Buffalo Cursillo
"A People Being Transformed in Christ through Faith, Worship, Witness and Service"
The Next Step
Your 1st, and best step, is to pray about it.
The 2nd best step is continue to pray about it.
The 3rd step is to find the "RIGHT" Cursillo member to be your sponsor. It should be a Cursillo person, and one that is a friend of yours, --- but who?
There are a couple of paths to find your Cursillo sponsor, and we hope to direct you. Many of the Priests and Deacons in Buffalo have made a Cursillo. Ask the Priest or Deacon in your own parish. If they have not made a Cursillo, they may know a Cursillo person in your parish. Many of the Lectures, Ministers, CCD teachers have made it.
The Buffalo Cursillo Community developed for parishes the Parish Mission. If your parish has MISSION, many on the Mission Team have made a Cursillo. And often it is said that Mission is the stepping stone to the deeper Cursillo experience. After making a Cursillo Weekend, at a Cursillo Mass, the person said " Mission was wonderful, but today I see Mission as Prayer 101 and Cursillo as graduate School "
You may know a person at work that has made a Cursillo.