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What is the Cursillo Movement?


The word Cursillo is derived from the Spanish language and means “short course in Christianity.”  Cursillo is an international Movement to renew and revitalize Christians around the world.  Involvement with Cursillo typically begins with an invitation to go to a Cursillo Weekend by a friend that is an active member of the local Cursillo Movement.


The purpose or goal of the Movement is to make Christian community possible in their homes, neighborhoods, parishes, work situations and other places where people live the greater part of their lives.  It makes it possible for anyone in the world to live a Christian life in thoughts, words, and actions in a natural way.  Since it is a Movement of the Church, the Cursillo Movement has the same apostolic purpose as the Church itself.  The Cursillo Movement provides a Method for people to live what is fundamental for being a Christian.  Cursillo helps people discover and fulfill their personal vocations and promotes the creation of groups of Christians who transform their environments with the Gospel. 




The Cursillo Movement is a deliberate act to bring Jesus Christ into the world.  Cursillista (name given to those that have gone through the three-day weekend and are living the Cursillo Method) become agents for change in their families, work situations, neighborhoods, social gatherings, etc…


The Cursillo Weekend-What is it like?


The initial Cursillo weekend is a 72-hour experience designed for Christian renewal.  The weekend includes several activities which, put together, make a very effective tool for bringing a new vigor to Christian life.  It provides the participants a new awareness of living a life filled with God’s grace.  During a Cursillo weekend, people travel to a retreat center (currently St. Teresa of Avila Church campus in Akron, NY) on a Thursday night and live there until Sunday afternoon.  The “staff” consists of spiritual directors and/or ordained clergy plus a team of committed Christian lay Cursillo members who have already been through a Cursillo weekend.


The lay workers will see to caring for your needs including sleeping quarters, meal preparation, bathroom facilities, prayer time and adequate rest periods.  Accommodation is made for those with special needs such as diet or physical needs. 


Beginning Friday morning, the lay team members and spiritual directors share ideas and experiences through a series of talks and planned activities.  Participants will have many opportunities to share their own insights about the presentations.  Each day of the Cursillo weekend begins with Morning Prayer and ends with Night Prayer.  Mass is celebrated daily. 


What Happens After the Cursillo Weekend!


The weekend is just the introduction to the Cursillo Movement and your attendance signals your commitment to join your group.  Cursillo groups are the backbone of the Cursillo Movement.  Groups are all about having a local group of Christian friends that meet on a regular basis to share with one another their spiritual growth, as well as their growth in becoming a person who strives to bring a Christ-like attitude to their environments. 


Additionally, you will be invited to meet monthly with the larger Cursillo community in your area.  This meeting is called Ultreya (Spanish word for Onward).  The Ultreya provides the opportunity to strengthen your relationships with members of other local Cursillo groups.  This also provides an outlet for bringing others to the Cursillo Movement!

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