Buffalo Cursillo
When we sponsor a candidate for a three-day weekend we’re also sponsoring that person’s walk with God and his/her growth in ministry. It involves much more than signing a form or even taking a friend to the weekend, more than attending the closing service and helping the candidate find a group reunion.
The weekend only happens after we have made friends, been friends, and taken time to discern if attending a Cursillo weekend is the best way to help our friend’s growth in Christ right now.
We talk to God about our friend
We talk to our clergy about our friend
We talk to our friend about Cursillo.
If it is clear that Cursillo would help our friend grow in faith and ministry, we then help them fill out the application form and consider the role we are to play as sponsor.
The closura may end the candidate’s weekend, but it doesn’t end our friendship or the role we play as sponsors. Now, we and our candidate become colleagues, fellow disciples in the work of the Kingdom, perhaps in a new and powerful way.