Buffalo Cursillo
"A People Being Transformed in Christ through Faith, Worship, Witness and Service"
An Organization that is not an Organization:
Since the Cursillo Method is so highly developed, it needs organization to make it possible. But the Cursillo Movement is not an "organization" per se. Cursillistas are not organized to work together or to act together outside of the Movement in any way. All action is the result of the individual Cursillista's life (living witness). Therefore, living life in grace, loving God and our neighbor, can be considered the root, the origin of all Christian being and doing. But the Cursillo Movement does have some organization that can assist in this process.
Buffalo Cursillo leadership is a group of leaders called the Secretariat. This group is responsible for the proper functioning of the Cursillo Movement in the Buffalo Diocese.
It ensures the fulfillment of what is commissioned in each of the essential phases of the Movement; the Precursillo, Cursillo and Postcursillo. It ensures the unity in the message and the freedom of the Cursillistas. This body is affiliated with the Regional (region 3) and National (USA) Secretariats.
Lay Director
Chuck Stephan
716 817-3969
Assistant Lay Director
Spiritual Advisor
Dcn. Dave Clabeaux
716 353-3752
Mike Cucinotta
716 310-2861
Karen Trimper
716 867-8962
Cursillo Section
Diane Putt
716 380-0187
Denise Daniels
716 823-5453
Sherry Misso
716 984-0163
Pat Mahaney
716 481-3715
Greg Wiltrout
716 870-7986
School of Leaders
Marty Ruhland
716 481-0662
Website (not secretariat)
Marty Ruhland
716 481-0662
Historian (not secretariat)
Carol Stier
716 692-1606