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        "Come to the Well" Ultreya is sponsoring the next Reunion Mass


        February 8, 2019  7:30 PM

         4375 Harris Hill Rd, Williamsville, NY 14221 

         Christine Thomann   716-583-2324

         Witness by Otto Messo



























Attention all musicians!!  All cursillistas who play an instrument or sing in a choir or folk group are invited to play and sing at all cursillo gatherings. The music being played is provided at each activity. You don’t have to be a professional to join the group. We welcome everyone, no matter their ability.  Please call Jennifer Appenheimer if you have any questions at 716-824-3659. 



If you are planning to join the group at the reunion mass on March 9, 2018 we are playing the following songs, in case you want to practice. If you don’t have the music, please call Jennifer Appenheimer for copies.




Ultreya Leaders, If you see any issues with the month please let us know ASAP and we will see what we can do to address. As you finalize details for your reunion please let us know and we will make sure the word gets out. 

Curtis & Maria Boyle

Post Cursillo

(716) 430-1963

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